Useful Solutions For Having a Male Child Easily

Make Sure I Get A Boy - Get Tactics For Making a Boy

By timing when you have intercourse you can control if you will become impregnated with a male. A technique known as the Shettles’ method was discovered in the seventies and has been used by many people to select gender naturally. The main idea of his model is that when couples learn how to time intercourse accordingly to ovulation they can influence the sex of the baby.  Between the two chromosomes the male Y chromosome is a much quicker swimmer but the female Y chromosome lives longer. If you have intercourse in the beginning of ovulation there will be lots of healthy male sperm ready to fertilize the egg once it is released from the ovary (  If the timing is a day or two earlier more of the male sperm will die out and a female baby is most likely. The likelihood of getting pregnant with a boy greatly increases to almost 100% the closer to ovulation that you have intercourse. Before and after ovulation be sure to use a condom during intercourse to prevent the possibility of conceiving on days when it is more likely to have girl.  The Shettles’ method is easy and safe and does not require and drugs or invasive medical procedures.  Shettles claims that his methods for a boy have a success rate of 80-85% and the methods for a girl a little less at 75-80%.

Learn how to make a male baby naturally by adding these minerals to your diet

If you consume more potassium rich food you can improve your chances in having a baby boy. Consuming more potassium will help succeed in making your vaginal tract and cervical fluid much more alkaline. Y chromosome spermatozoa that are responsible for making a male baby are more equipped to survive in an alkaline environment. It has been reported that women who gave birth to boys were consuming at least 300 mg more of potassium than were the mothers of girls.  Foods rich in potassium include almost all vegetables with the exception of corn.  Sodium in another mineral that is helpful if you would like to make a male baby. Foods rich in both potassium and sodium include raisins and nuts and figs (positions to conceive baby boy). Your partner can also add things to his diet to aid the male producing spermatozoa reach the egg first. If your partner consumes more zinc it will help increase his production of spermatozoa and intensify his testosterone. He can get the recommended daily amount of 9 mg of zinc by eating foods such as oysters and other meats.

If you would like to conceive a boy baby be sure that you do not miss breakfast.  If you miss breakfast this can give a false signal of reduction in glucose levels to the body. This reduction in glucose will signal to your body that there is a problem of lack of food or starvation. Your body may support the development of a girl embryo when faced with a situation it views as dire.  A study done by Dr. Mathews of England shows that there is an 87% larger likelihood in having a boy baby if you eat breakfast regularly. So never skip breakfast and eat a cereal that is high in fiber and nutrients (make sure i get a boy). If your partner starts drinking coffee this can help the probability of you giving birth to a boy. Since the spermatozoa responsible for making boys are faster swimmers than the girl making sperm the caffeine in coffee gives them extra strength to swim even faster. By swimming more quickly they will lessen the amount of time they are exposed to the acidic discharge in the cervix and increase their chances to fertilize the egg with the Y chromosome. Before you have intercourse have your partner drink a cup of coffee.


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